ISAUU By-Laws Summary of Proposed Changes

Submitted by Ali Walton, 11.5.23

A committee comprised of ISAUU Board members Tricia Coleman, Patti Washburn, Nathan Soule, Tom Smurzynski, Marlene Smurzynski, and Ali Walton reviewed the ISAUU by-laws (previously last amended in 2013) to ensure consistency with current ISAUU Board practices, Star Island Corporation language, and best practices for non-profit Boards, as well as use of inclusive and current language. The group proposed amended by-laws to the full ISAUU Board of Directors. This Board voted unanimously in favor of bringing the proposed changes to the ISAUU membership at the annual meeting. A summary of changes follows.

●        Language throughout the document was updated to be gender inclusive with the use of they/them in place of him/her pronouns.

●        Language throughout the document was updated to account for updated technology.

●        Article 4 was edited to strengthen and clarify the application of term limits to Board members. The use of term limits is a best practice for a non-profit board and facilitates the infusion of new energy and ideas on a regular basis. The proposed change is that Board members may serve up to three 3-year terms, with the exception of anyone who serves as President of the ISAUU Board at any time. In such cases, that person may serve up to four 3-year terms. Section C also provides an option to serve as a non-voting Emeritus member.

●        Article 10 is a new article that clarifies and reinforces the relationship of the ISAUU Board and the Shops on Star Committee. The Shops operate under the oversight, and with the support, of the Board. The Shops on Star Committee will determine their own organizing guidelines and present them to the Board for approval. Article 10, Section C states that the Board determines the Shops on Star Committee chairperson, but not the members. The ISAUU President is invited to all shops committee meetings but does not fill a membership spot on the Shops on Star Committee.

●        The proposed by-laws remove the statement that any life membership funds should be invested, and the income only be used for general corporation purposes.